Invest SMART in animatronic scenes that function all year


SMART animatronic concept

Several things affect your decision to buy one of our animatronic scenes, but most importantly your decision is affected by yourreturn on investment. You want to present your customers with a spellbinding animatronic Christmas display during the lovely holiday season, but you also want to showcase mesmerising displays at other times of the year.

We are aware that you cannot present enchanting Christmas displays to your customers all year around, which is the reason only your imagination sets the boundaries for what can be done with our enchanting animatronic products.

Our Hipster Mice concept is a great example. It is designed to be transformed into whatever you like by only using a small investment. Decorate the display with fir and Christmas balls during the holiday season and put on a yellow dress or decorate the skirt with colourful flowers for the summer, and when Halloween comes some spider web and a torn dress will do the trick.

Another example to get your thoughts running comes from our partner in Holland, his client wanted something fun for the summer, that is when the idea of animatronic Funky Beach Mice came to life. By removing the Barn Mice from their Christmas Barn and adding sunglasses, hula hula skirts and other beach decoration the Mice were given a new life.

– only your imagination sets the boundaries

Linda Hauch Fenger




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